Saturday, April 10, 2021

How We Can Change Our Fate As A Nation.

Everything tends towards randomness, sometimes referred to as entropic doom. If intelligent scientist asked the question: If the entire world continues in the direction it has been on for the last one hundred years, then there might be -nothing in the world left to salvage from complete annihilation.

In the not so humble opinion of this author, many major changes must be made over the next two to four years. However, we must also change the dialogue. These days we all would like to understand why things are so awful, right here on the planet that we all need to share co-existing with each other, sharing essential resources. 

Desperate times call for extremely well thought out and detailed instructions from our leadership. The random and sporadic compliance, without national leadership right here in the good ole US of A, has already taken its toll with 500,000 deaths due to Covid-19. There has to be some very effective strategies, for the enlightened folks living here to peacefully Just as absolute power, corrupts absolutely. We need to realize that money does not simply talk, money screams! 

Time to stop the scenario that either money, or might makes right. We, the people who want to live well, in good health, have this to say to industry. The very hungry Frankenstein like monster with an endless and insatiable greed for wealth, power and control, has already grabbed about twenty to thirty percent of our congressional representatives. The freshman class in the United States House of Representatives, will probably continue to work on methods designed to block effective action from the Executive branch along with the Senate. 

Senators are far fewer in number and they simply have to up their game, in this highly charged political scene. Yet face it folks, the partisan games in United States Politics, is always going to have to answer to their real employers. Super Pac money, buys the potential candidate their chance to serve in the United States House of Representatives.

An enlightened electorate must find a way to diminish the value of the Republican Party's finances (which have so much more money than Democratic Campaign funding) so that the party of the Big Lie, needs to be neutralized, by putting the burden of campaign financing right on the shoulders of us. Yes, us. We should have to pay say even $20 each towards that horrible debacle of the slanderous ways the politicians promote themselves, by attacking other candidates for just about any old thing other than voting records. 

United States, will soon be selling off so more seats, in congress, in what our elected representatives are so worried about, the mid-term elections in two years. Hey, who enforces election committee laws? Because where I live I still see the signs, with spelled backwards promote- Pmurt. Personally, I have altered my thoughts to conceive of a third party, after the recent T-Rump fiasco. An experiment gone bad (hiring a TV pitch man golfer) to do US Presidential business. 

Let's move on, and all get real. Believe the science even if it does not support, the clear cutting of trees. Support realistic projections, based on existing facts, Glacial degradation diminishes the environment for Polar Bears, Walruses, Seals, and Penguins. Additionally excess water (rising sea level) could easily continue to put some of the most valuable real estate in the world under-water. Go ahead, label me a liberal and try to dismiss the truthfulness of my words. 

The political scene here in the US, is requiring a comprehensive overhaul, not just in technology and infrastructure. No! Far more is needed. The two party system already hangs by a thread, because some people just love to watch the biggest loser! 

So, if a fragile democracy sounds like too much trouble to maintain, then how about we give it a go, right now by initiating traveling US Senate. Bring those 100 of our finest political minds, out to where the rules they make get enacted. Watch interest and participation rise, from everyday folks who care, to small businesses that are struggling to exist. 

Stephen C. Sanders future founder of The Host Poet Foundation. We are seeking both private funding as well as  government assistance through funding. More details will be released as they are completed.

Please help, we have dozens of unique ideas and plans, for a more productive, safe, world.  

Stephen C. Sanders updated on Sunday April 11, 2021