Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Beis of Creation.: Tzaddik Magazine

The Beis of Creation.: Tzaddik Magazine: "Tzaddik Magazine
Tzaddik Magazine: "This is the essential message of Chanukah, and it is a completely new concept having nothing to do with what transpires during the regular annual cycle. Chanukah draws its power from a place far beyond our conception, infusing us with such great hope, despite our inability to see the “light at the end of the tunnel.” This gives us a point of faith from which to draw, infusing us with a spirit of life. The light of Chanukah is a completely different type of light, since its source is higher than the seven days of creation. ""

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Why We Must Write.

Why We Must Write.: "e following, the words simply start flying right out of the writers mind on to the page.

Like everything else in the world, there is very little justice or truth to be found on the internet. When I wrote my original piece about ” The Seagull by Anton Chekhov as performed on Saturday August 18, 2001, at The Joseph Papp Public Theater in Central Park, New York, "

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Monday, December 12, 2011 Site Info Site Info: "Frum Find The Place To Find All Things Frum (Blog)

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Frum Find The Place To Find All Things Frum (Blog) Sometimes we are searching for things which are difficult to find. The webmaster of these sites in the process of developing networks and applications to make the process easier.

Statistics Summary for's three-month global Alexa traffic rank is 1,385,747. The time spent in a typical visit to this site is about four minutes, with 42 seconds spent on each pageview. The site's visitors view an average of 4.3 unique pages per day. About 52% of visits to are bounces (one pageview only). Almost all the site's visitors are in the US, where it has attained a traffic rank of 557,596."

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Market Trends -

Market Trends - "
95,000 USD
58,000 USD

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Is an Attack on Iran's Nuclear Program a Bad Idea? - Jeffrey Goldberg - International - The Atlantic

Is an Attack on Iran's Nuclear Program a Bad Idea? - Jeffrey Goldberg - International - The Atlantic: " raising the issue of Obama's record of seriousness on counter-terrorism and nuclear nonproliferation issues (to the chagrin of some critics to my right) because I believe Iran should take him seriously on this particular matter, and I also believe Israel should take him seriously. There are many advocates in Israel of a preemptive strike against Iran who do not believe that Obama would ever use force to stop its nuclearization. These are the sort of people who are pushing hardest for a unilateral Israeli strike, soon. "

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Todays Clouds: Where Did We Go Wrong?

Todays Clouds: Where Did We Go Wrong?: "On the eve of The Election, how come it seems that I have nothing at all to say?

I really would rather ask a question, on this unfortunately not so memorable occasion;

Where did we go wrong?"

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Noam Shalit: Gilad's captivity was harsh - Israel News, Ynetnews

Noam Shalit: Gilad's captivity was harsh - Israel News, Ynetnews: ""His appetite is fine, but he does have trouble sleeping," Shalit continued. "He needs time to adapt… it's a transition from being isolated for five and a half years, nearly 2,000 days without daylight. As I said, he is suffering from the effects of sunlight deprivation. We hope he will adapt and regain a sense of normalcy soon."

For full coverage of Shalit's homecoming click here

As for the media's clamoring to speak with Gilad, his father said: "I understand that the media wants to see him, but he needs time. He's in no condition… he just can't meet so many people at once."

Pressed harder, Shalit senior reminded reporters that "Gilad is still a soldier and must follow the IDF Spokesperson’s orders. He is in no condition for a press conference.""

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Gilad Shalit - Israel News, Ynetnews

Gilad Shalit - Israel News, Ynetnews: "IDF Staff-Sergeant Gilad Shalit (born August 28, 1986) is an Israeli soldier who was kidnapped by Hamas militants on 25 June 2006, while in active service.

Gilad Shalit is the son of Noam and Aviva Shalit. The family resides in Mitzpe Hila in northern Israel, and are both Israeli and French nationals.

Shalit was captured when a terrorist cell infiltrated the border and attacked an IDF force patrolling near the the Kerem Shalom border crossing, which is a cargo crossing on the Gaza Strip-Israel-Egypt borders."

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Read Shalit's first letter from captivity - Israel News, Ynetnews

Read Shalit's first letter from captivity - Israel News, Ynetnews: "Since he was abducted a number of signals have come from Gilad Shalit:
June 2007 – Gilad's voice could be heard on an audio tape made public by Hamas, which concluded with the words, "I have great hope that my government will take more interest in me and comply with the requests of the mujahideen.""

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Read Shalit's first letter from captivity - Israel News, Ynetnews

Read Shalit's first letter from captivity - Israel News, Ynetnews: "this intolerable human nightmare to end and to be released from the closed and isolated prison, especially since my 20th birthday has gone by, which I had hoped we would celebrate together.
I appeal to my government, and especially Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and defense Minister Amir Peretz, to do everything in their power to release me as soon as possible because every day that goes by hurts me more, and to consent to the requests of mujahideen that detained me from within a tank near Kerem Abu Salem. I hope you will do everything so that I can celebrate Rosh Hashana and Sukkot at home.
The prisoner in the hands of the Palestinian mujahideen,
Gilad Shalit
Captured on 06.25.06"

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Rabbis share 'halachic manifesto' against Shalit deal - Israel News, Ynetnews

Rabbis share 'halachic manifesto' against Shalit deal - Israel News, Ynetnews: "At a visit to the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem's Old City, the rabbi said that the deal was contrary to the Torah's practices as the Torah forbids the release of murderers.

"The halachic outlook negates the release of murderers. The blood of Gilad Shalit is precious to us all and we all love him, but his blood is no redder than that of anyone else."

He added that: We unite beyond any dispute and love one another. We are strengthening this love."

Yair Altman and Eli Mendelbaum contributed to the report"

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Rabbis share 'halachic manifesto' against Shalit deal - Israel News, Ynetnews

Rabbis share 'halachic manifesto' against Shalit deal - Israel News, Ynetnews: "Rabbi Lior noted that his statements came "in response to people's request that he publish a manifesto on the halacha's stance on the deal for the release of captive soldier Gilad Shalit", and that in spite of the objections to the deal, "it doesn't mean that every effort should not be made to secure his release.

"For example, by not holding terrorists in 'five star' conditions in prison and by preventing any aid from reaching the Hamas government in Gaza… but not by actions that could endanger and humiliate Israel."

The rabbi noted that he was happy to see the show of sympathy and joy at the news of "the return of the captive soldier to his family and the nation. This is where the basic truth of Israel's mutual trust and love are revealed in all thir scope and depth, though we must look at the event from all its perspectives and draw practical conclusions. ""

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Rabbis share 'halachic manifesto' against Shalit deal - Israel News, Ynetnews

Rabbis share 'halachic manifesto' against Shalit deal - Israel News, Ynetnews: "Rabbi Dov Lior and Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu expressed harsh criticism of the Gilad Shalit prisoner swap deal in which over 1,000 security prisoners are set to be released in exchange for the captive Israeli soldier.

Lior, who is the rabbi of Kiryat Arba and heads its yeshiva on Sunday published a halachic manifesto in which he explained the halachic claims against the Shalit deal, which he had previously called "a humiliation of the Israeli people," stating he does not think "anything good will come of it."

Related stories:
Shalits to High Court: Don't change deal
Bereaved families: State is dancing in our blood
More bereaved families fight Shalit deal "

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bailout-Sinks! «

Bailout-Sinks! « "Paulson’s deliberations come amid indications that the passage and signing by President George Bush of the massive market intervention bill did little to immediately improve the credit crunch.

Mohamed Erian, co-chief executive of the giant asset management firm Pimco, told the newspaper that short-term credit trading for anyone other than the federal government remained at a “virtually nonexistent level” Friday, saying, “While constituting a necessary condition, the rescue package is not sufficient to radically counter the immediate disruptions.”"

Friday, September 23, 2011

Torah Umadda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Torah Umadda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Firstly, along with the Haredi community, the ideology demands adherence to the halakha; however it is not insistent that strictures (chumras) are normative, rather, these are a matter of personal choice[11] (see 2.1 and 4.1 under Modern Orthodox Judaism). Secondly, relative to the Haredi community - but less so than in non-orthodox communities - women are starting to play a public role within the community,[12][13] (in roles other than strictly religious).[14] Thirdly, the movement will engage with the broader Jewish community, as discussed below, and with the secular world, as opposed to the Haredi approach of minimising such contact."

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Pulitzer Photographer Exhibits in Gettysburg

Pulitzer Photographer Exhibits in Gettysburg: "With a Pulitzer Prize, a Robert Capa Gold Medal, more Pictures of the Year International awards than one can count and three National Press Photographers Association Photojournalist of the Year awards, there is no doubt that both Cole’s peers and audience find her photographs to be especially powerful for conveying a particular moment in time and history.

In 2003, Cole went to Liberia, as rebels surrounded that country’s capital, Monrovia. It was there that she would earn the 2004 Pulitzer Prize, ". . . for her cohesive, behind-the-scenes look at the effects of civil war in Liberia, with special attention to innocent citizens caught in the conflict.""

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Pulitzer Photographer Exhibits in Gettysburg

Pulitzer Photographer Exhibits in Gettysburg: "With a Pulitzer Prize, a Robert Capa Gold Medal, more Pictures of the Year International awards than one can count and three National Press Photographers Association Photojournalist of the Year awards, there is no doubt that both Cole’s peers and audience find her photographs to be especially powerful for conveying a particular moment in time and history.

In 2003, Cole went to Liberia, as rebels surrounded that country’s capital, Monrovia. It was there that she would earn the 2004 Pulitzer Prize, ". . . for her cohesive, behind-the-scenes look at the effects of civil war in Liberia, with special attention to innocent citizens caught in the conflict.""

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Magnitude 9.0 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN: "The total economic loss in Japan was estimated at 309 billion US dollars. Electricity, gas and water supplies, telecommunications and railway service disrupted and several reactors severely damaged at a nuclear power plant near Okuma. Several fires occurred in Chiba and Miyagi. At least 1,800 houses destroyed when a dam failed in Fukushima. Maximum acceleration of 2.93 g recorded at Tsukidate. Horizontal displacement and subsidence observed. Landslides occurred in Miyagi. Liquefaction observed at Chiba, Odaiba, Tokyo and Urayasu. The tsunami destroyed or severely damaged many coastal towns in the Kuji-Minamisanriku-Nami area."

Friday, August 26, 2011

Daily Zohar #563 – How to stop earthquakes |

Daily Zohar #563 – How to stop earthquakes | "irst earthquake in the Torah happened when Korach, who is the left column, wanted to control the right column by becoming a Kohen. The result was an earthquake that swallowed Korach and all of his people.

On that event God gave a warning to Moses, Aaron and the others to move away from Korach so they won’t have the same outcome. What kind of warning do we have now?
It’s not about the people few thousand miles away. It’s about you and me, here or there.
Nowadays, we are all sharing the global tikkun and have responsibility for each other."

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Daily Zohar #563 – How to stop earthquakes |

Daily Zohar #563 – How to stop earthquakes | "the Zohar explains that the physical world is directly affected by our misuse of the spiritual system.
The Slave is the aspect of male and right column of negativity that uses the purity of the light for its own purposes. The same aspect is with the female slave that is from the left column.

When the two columns of negativity take over the central column, which is the aspect of balance in the spiritual system, it creates imbalance, which is the opposite effect in the physical realm.
The negative side is the aspect of death and the desire for the self. It doesn’t have continuation and energy of life like the positive side.


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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Revenge: 2 Top terrorists killed - Israel News, Ynetnews

Revenge: 2 Top terrorists killed - Israel News, Ynetnews: Report: Egypt searching for terrorists
Meanwhile the Palestinian Maan News Agency reported that Egyptian forces were scouring the border with Israel in recent hours in an effort to retrace the steps of the terrorists who carried out the terror attacks.
According to the report, which quoted senior security officials, the Egyptian authorities have raised the alert level along the border with Israel and established a large team that includes military officers and central defense establishment officials to deal with the incident. The Egyptian forces are scouring a 25 kilometer stretch of the border, searching for tire and shoe sole marks in order to see whether the terrorists entered Israel from Sinai.

UN Evacuates Gaza Fearing Israeli Response - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

UN Evacuates Gaza Fearing Israeli Response - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News: Palestinian Authority bid for statehood at the UN in September leading many to question whether a large scale preemptive Israeli operation in Gaza – which some security officials have already called for – will be launched before the world body convenes.

"The attacks demonstrate the weakening of Egypt's control over the Sinai Peninsula and the expansion of terrorist activity there," Defense Minister Ehud Barak said, adding "These attacks originate in Gaza and we will act against them with full force and resolve."

Barak's focus on Gaza – and the Hamas terror organization that rules it – comes as Egyptian officials say Thursday's attacks were unlikely have come from Sinai, where Egypt is currently conducting counter-terror operations to root out terror groups.

UN Evacuates Gaza Fearing Israeli Response - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

UN Evacuates Gaza Fearing Israeli Response - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News: Palestinian Authority bid for statehood at the UN in September leading many to question whether a large scale preemptive Israeli operation in Gaza – which some security officials have already called for – will be launched before the world body convenes.

"The attacks demonstrate the weakening of Egypt's control over the Sinai Peninsula and the expansion of terrorist activity there," Defense Minister Ehud Barak said, adding "These attacks originate in Gaza and we will act against them with full force and resolve."

Barak's focus on Gaza – and the Hamas terror organization that rules it – comes as Egyptian officials say Thursday's attacks were unlikely have come from Sinai, where Egypt is currently conducting counter-terror operations to root out terror groups.

UN Evacuates Gaza Fearing Israeli Response - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

UN Evacuates Gaza Fearing Israeli Response - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News: The three successive attacks on buses in Israel's south left at least six dead and 33 wounded – including two women and two small children – prompting international speculation a muscular Israeli response is in the works.

Israeli security forces were already gearing up for a potential explosion of violence in connection to the Palestinian Authority bid for statehood at the UN in September leading many to question whether a large scale preemptive Israeli operation in Gaza – which some security officials have already called for – will be launched before the world body convenes.

Monday, August 8, 2011

What's Dragging Bank of America Down - Business - The Atlantic Wire

What's Dragging Bank of America Down - Business - The Atlantic Wire: "stock markets as a whole are getting absolutely bludgeoned. But the market gods have reserved a special kind of wrath for the country's largest bank. As the Dow dips 500 points, Bank of America is down around 18 percent. You know what else happened today? Insurance giant American International Group sued the bank for $10 billion, accusing it of selling overvalued mortgage-backed securities."

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Kiryat Arba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kiryat Arba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Status under international law

Like all Israeli settlements in the Israeli-occupied territories, Kiryat Arba is considered illegal under international law, though Israeli disputes this.[7] The international community considers Israeli settlements to violate the Fourth Geneva Convention's prohibition on the transfer of an occupying power's civilian population into occupied territory.[8] Israel disputes that the Fourth Geneva Convention applies to the Palestinian territories as they had not been legally held by a sovereign prior to Israel taking control of them. This view has been rejected as without basis in international law by the International Court of Justice and the International Committee of the Red Cross.[9]"

Thursday, June 2, 2011

YouTube - Sunshine Policy part I

Neville Chamberlain would be proud. But history shows that appeasement always fails.

YouTube - Sunshine Policy part I: "Neville Chamberlain would be proud. But history shows that appeasement always fails."