Monday, November 18, 2013

Hollande Lays Out Conditions for Iran - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Hollande Lays Out Conditions for Iran - Middle East - News - Israel National News: "rance is in favor of an interim agreement but on the basis of four points," he said, according to AFP.

"The first demand: put all the Iranian nuclear installations under international supervision, right now. Second point: suspend enrichment to 20 percent. Thirdly: to reduce the existing stock,” added Hollande.

"And finally, to halt construction of the Arak (heavy water) plant. These are the points which for us are essential to guarantee any agreement," he declared.

Hollande’s visit to Israel comes days after talks between Iran and world powers in Geneva ended without a deal, largely in part thanks to France’s firm stance on the issue. Talks are to resume on Wednesday."

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Tuvia Brodie - Tuvia Brodie - Blogs - Tuvia Brodie - Blogs

Tuvia Brodie - Tuvia Brodie - Blogs - Tuvia Brodie - Blogs: "Iran

-Why is France harder on Iran than the US?

-French MP invokes Munich 1938 in warning against Iran deal

-Report: Khamenei's conglomerate thrived as sanctions squeezed Iran"

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Obama's Nebulous Nuclear Sellout Leads to Iran War - Op-Eds - Israel National News

Obama's Nebulous Nuclear Sellout Leads to Iran War - Op-Eds - Israel National News: "Again, the International  Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) report "that Iran had frozen its nuclear activities" is another diplomatic travesty, "because [Iran] already possesses the necessary infrastructure for building a nuclear weapon."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that "Iran is in dire economic straits and we can negotiate a better deal. Before easing the sanctions, we need to get a good deal, not a bad deal."

And rightly so, because Netanyahu believes that a "bad deal" between global powers and Iran over its nuclear program could lead to war."

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Chamberlain, Munich 1938: How... Incredible It Is . . - Op-Eds - Israel National News

Chamberlain, Munich 1938: How... Incredible It Is . . - Op-Eds - Israel National News: "the quintessential appeaser, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, excoriated the embattled Czech Prime Minister Benes as the cause of a world war if Benes did not accede to Hitler's demandsand agree to expose his country to occupation by Nazi Germany.

Chamberlain "blackmailed" the self-defensible Benes into becoming an indefensible victim. Chamberlain morphed genocidal war-maker Hitler into a smiling 'peace-maker.'  Chamberlain intoned the same false 'logic' that Obama uses today: Agree to the murderer's terms, or he will occupy and murder more of you."

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Chamberlain, Munich 1938: How... Incredible It Is . . - Op-Eds - Israel National News

Chamberlain, Munich 1938: How... Incredible It Is . . - Op-Eds - Israel National News: "the quintessential appeaser, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, excoriated the embattled Czech Prime Minister Benes as the cause of a world war if Benes did not accede to Hitler's demandsand agree to expose his country to occupation by Nazi Germany.

Chamberlain "blackmailed" the self-defensible Benes into becoming an indefensible victim. Chamberlain morphed genocidal war-maker Hitler into a smiling 'peace-maker.'  Chamberlain intoned the same false 'logic' that Obama uses today: Agree to the murderer's terms, or he will occupy and murder more of you."

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Again: Arabs Fly Nazi Flag Near Road - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Again: Arabs Fly Nazi Flag Near Road - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News: "Soldiers from the Haruv battalion in Kfir Regiment tried to take down the flag Saturday, but encountered difficulty because it was placed very high up.

A similar event took place at Beit Umar in May, when hundreds of residents of Gush Etzion who drove down Highway 60 were astounded to see an oversized Nazi flag flying next to a mosque in the Arab town.

In a recent key speech, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu quoted numerous historical sources showing that the leader of the Palestinian Arabs in the first half of the 20th century, Mufti Hajj Amin Al-Husseini, was “one of the initiators of the Holocaust of the Jews of Europe,” "

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