Monday, November 18, 2013

Hollande Lays Out Conditions for Iran - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Hollande Lays Out Conditions for Iran - Middle East - News - Israel National News: "rance is in favor of an interim agreement but on the basis of four points," he said, according to AFP.

"The first demand: put all the Iranian nuclear installations under international supervision, right now. Second point: suspend enrichment to 20 percent. Thirdly: to reduce the existing stock,” added Hollande.

"And finally, to halt construction of the Arak (heavy water) plant. These are the points which for us are essential to guarantee any agreement," he declared.

Hollande’s visit to Israel comes days after talks between Iran and world powers in Geneva ended without a deal, largely in part thanks to France’s firm stance on the issue. Talks are to resume on Wednesday."

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