Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Israel slams UN secretary general for condemning 'Israeli occupation' | World Israel News

Israel slams UN secretary general for condemning 'Israeli occupation' | World Israel News: "The attacks on Israel by our neighbors did not begin in 1967, and any attempt at a moral equivalency between killing innocent people [by Palestinian terrorists] and the building of homes [by Israelis in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria] is absurd,” Danon charged.

“Instead of spreading Palestinian misinformation, it would be best if the UN stuck with the facts,” he demanded. “It is preposterous to blame terror and violence in the Middle East on the one true democracy in the region.”

To achieve piece, the solution is for “the Palestinian leadership to abandon terror, cease to incite against our people and finally return to direct negotiations,” Danon said. Only then “real progress can be made towards peace.”"

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